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36250 Completing Queries

Assignment :

A. Lab BSBA BIS245A-4

B. Lab 4 of 7: Completing Queries (40 Points)

C. Lab Overview - Scenario / Summary

COs: Given a physical database containing tables and relationships and business requirements, create the necessary queries.
Scenario / Summary

We can collect all the data in the world; however, if we can’t access it and use it, it is probably useless. Gaining knowledge from stored data can be very beneficial when it comes to making important business decisions. This lab will give the student practice in querying or questioning data. The lab begins with a simple example of query development using Access, then evolves to more complex queries which the student should perform after completing the first exercise. The student can create a query with the wizard or with query design view.

Upon completing this lab, you should be able to:- create a query by following lab instruction; create a query by using either query designer, or query wizard; and interpret and analyze the results of queries.

D. Deliverables

Submit the MS Access database file YourName_Lab4.accdb that contains the queries created in this lab.


E. Lab Steps


Download the file Lab4.accdb from the link provided on the Lab Overview page-> Lab Files. If you are using Citrix for MS Visio or MS Access, follow the login instructions located in the Lab area in the Introduction and Resources, and upload the Lab4.accdb file to your working folder on the Citrix server. (You can see a video about how to do this by clicking the link Saving From Citrix under Citrix Tutorials from Course Resources link listed at the bottom of the Modules page.)


Part A: Create Single-table and Multitable Queries
Step 1: Create a single-table query
In this exercise, you will create the supplier contacts query, which lists all suppliers, the name and title of the contact at each supplier, and the contact’s phone number.

Open Lab4.accdb found on the Lab Overview page -> Lab Files. Click the File area, click save database as, and then type YourName_Lab4 and click save. Click the Create area, and then click query wizard in the queries group to launch the new query wizard.

The new query wizard dialog box opens. Simple query wizard is selected by default


Click OK. In the tables/queries dropdown, select table: suppliers. Select SupID from the available fields list, and then click >. Repeat the process with SupCompanyName, SupContactName, SupContactTitle, SupPhone, and SupFax. The six fields should now appear in the selected fields list box. Click next.

Enter supplier contacts as the query name, and verify that the open the query to view information option is selected. Click finish.

To Continue Click Here > 36250 Instructions.pdf
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