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BCO2041 Systems Analysis and Design

Assignment 1 : System Proposal

This assignment contributes 20% towards your final assessment.

This is a group assignment. You will work in a group with a maximum of three (3) people and a minimum of two (2) people. You will retain the same group for the second Assignment for which the deliverable is the Systems Design Document.

As soon as you receive this assignment you should choose the members of your project team. If you are unable to form a project team by the end of the second tutorial, then you will be assigned to a team by your tutor. Your team needs to start this early. The attached Team Participation Form must be completed and signed by each member of the team, and returned to your tutor before the end of tutorial class in Session 2.

Your team will need to begin work as soon as possible to complete each part of the assignment by the due date. You will need to quickly determine the tasks involved, the sequencing of these tasks, and assign a team member to be responsible for the completion of each task. In some cases the whole team may need to work on specific tasks.

Your team is to use the Case Study, supplied in a separate document, as the basis for your Analysis Phase deliverable. The deliverable for this assignment is the System Proposal for the new system discussed in the case study.

The format and content of the System Proposal is outlined in your text book and will be discussed over the ensuing weeks. In tutorials we will build an outline of the System Proposal that you will use in this assignment. This will involve : elements of the planning document we discussed in week 1 other sections to be discussed use case models (discussed in week 3) complete set of process models (discussed in week 4) data models (discussed in week 5)
The System Proposal should be written in either Word, or OpenOffice Text and submitted to the System Proposal drop-box that will be available in VU Collaborate, in the Assignments folder. The drop-box will be set up so that you can submit the assignment as many times as you want before the due date, but only the last submission will be kept. Thus everything should be contained in one single document.

Your document should include a Front page with all, Names and ID numbers of all team members, and a table of contents. The body of the document will follow the System Proposal outline we develop in tutorials. The attached Assessment form should also be completed and appended to the System Proposal submission.

Assignments by email will not be accepted, the assignment must be submitted to the VU Collaborate Drop-box. I will only look in there for assignments to grade. Only one submission per group is required.Your team should select a reliable member to submit the assignment by the due date and time. Penalties will apply for late work.

Assessment Form

This form is to be completed by each team member individually, and returned to the tutor/lecturer when the assignment is submitted.

This evaluation is to identify members of the team who performed above, or below, the level expected. Most team members would expect to receive the same result for the assignment. A person who did not participate adequately in the assignment can expect to have their mark reduced. A person whose work is considered by the rest of the team to be outstanding can expect to have their mark increased. The adjustment will be determined by the tutor/ lecturer.

Using the scales set out below, complete the following table. Surnames should be listed in alphabetic order so that the names appear in the same order on the sheet submitted by each team member. Include an assessment of yourself on the sheet.


Team Participation Form

This form is to be completed by the team, and returned to your tutor/lecturer as soon as possible.
We, the undersigned, agree to contribute individually and as a team to complete Assignment for BCO 2041 Systems Analysis and Design in the time specified.(It should be noted that failure to participate in a group would result in a fail for the assignment component of the subject.)

Team membership :


*All members in the team will receive the same mark for an assignment, unless there are extenuating circumstances whereby an individual’s mark has to be altered by the tutor/lecturer, or if the peer group assessment warrants it.

**Team members should contact their tutor/lecturer immediately if problems arise within the team that may cause completion of an assignment to be severely delayed, or the quality of the submission to be substantially lowered.

To Download Click Here > BCO2041 Systems Analysis and Design Assignment 1 SystemProposal.pdf
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