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Build A Tee Client Requirements

Assignment :

Build A Tee

You have been employed by Build A Tee, (a pioneer company in clothing design) as a junior system developer. As part of your training you have been asked to undertake a number of tasks.

Your Manager at Build A Tee has requested that you design an interface which the staff of the company can use in order to carry out T-Shirt orders by customers. You will have to understand the features, be able to use tools and techniques, design, test and review your final product. You were given the following user requirements by your client:

Interface requirements

The Interface should consist of 4 screens
Splash screen Login Screen Main ordering Interface Screen Receipt Screen
The Company has available the following T-Shirt sizes
Small £7.50 Medium £9.50 Large £10.50 X-Large £12.50 Snug (Ladies)£11.00 Gift wrapping £2.00 per T-Shirt Postage and Package £6.50 flat rate

Main Ordering Screen

User can enter the quantity of T-Shirts User can choose the colour of the T-shirt (that will appear on the interface) User can choose an image for the T-shirt (that will appear on the interface) Clear all entries if a mistake is made Exit the Interface Facility to open receipt on a new form


The Total amount to be paid should be automatically displayed on it Facility to Exit Facility to Print the receipt

Additional Help for Design

Describe the purpose and user requirements for the software program. Outline a problem definition statement Produce a table with the inputs/outputs of the program Produce storyboards of your design Produce a list of subroutines and any predefined programs, documenting the sources used A test plan (to test for the logic and functionality).
Make your design more detailed by providing : Alternative screen layouts (storyboards) A table with the variables of the program A table with the tools, controls and their properties to be used A list of data validations to be considered Test data

Get Feedback –> Improve design - > Write a report to justify the design decisions, including :

How the chosen design fulfils the stated purpose and user requirements for the program. You should consider the suitability for the end user and the quality and thoroughness of your design work.
You need to consider your design in light of any constraints arising from the programming, for example language used, device capabilities, memory storage, ease of use in terms of the quality of the user interface. Explain why alternative designs/features were rejected.

Additional Help for Testing

The program should also include commentary built into the code and a user interface with both input and output facilities. You should also debug the code and make it error free, producing a fully functional end product. Adapt your designs if you need to, in order to implement a workable solution. Test the program for functionality using your test plan and test data, keeping evidence of any necessary changes made to the code, repairing faults and ensuring that the program meets the original requirements. Obtain feedback on the quality and functionality of the program, and use it to improve your final solution. While you are refining the program, take into account the quality of the code and user feedback.

The activities involving developing and testing computer programs is an iterative process and not sequential

Consequently, the extent of the refinement of the program, will imply the quality of the final product and how it impacts on maintainability, portability and usability

Additional Help for Evaluation

The last set of tasks deal with reviewing the finished program, after it has been tested.

For the final program, explain how the final app is suitable for:
The user requirements of Build A Tee The purpose of the Build A Tee
Review the extent to which the final program solves the given problem, considering:
feedback from others Any constraints like programming language, time, device capabilities(memory, connectivity), connectivity and screen size)
Evaluate your initial design and the completed program. Identify any changes made from the design stage and justify these changes in terms of the requirements and the features of the language used, and any other constraints. Make at least three specific suggestions for improving the completed program to ensure it is fully functional, well coded and fit for purpose.

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