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CMP73010 Managing Software Development

Assignment 2 :

The assignment has component that is C# source code but a majority is a written essay/report. The report and the C# code should be submitted through the Turnitin link in your MySCU site. You can include your C# code in the single document if you wish.This assignment covers the agile development and automatic document generation topics in the unit.

Part 1 – Agile processes (14 marks)

Write a report on the SCRUM agile development methodology from the point of view of a programmer trying to argue the case for management of Southern Cross University to adopt the SCRUM methodology for internal system development and contracted (procured) system development. You can assume the organisation has no experience in agile development processes at all so you will need to provide detailed arguments (this is not true but for the purposes of the assignment you should assume it is true).
Your report should be structured as follows: An overview of Agile processes (3 marks). An explanation of the SCRUM framework(3 marks). Arguments for and against the adoption of SCRUM. You will need to reference authoritative sources to convince your management (3 marks). Clearly identify what sorts of projects would benefit and what sorts of projects will not benefit (1 marks). This can be part of your point 3 arguments. An explanation of two aspects of Agile methodologies (XP, SCRUM or other processes) that could be adopted across the organisation, even if some systems were not appropriate for SCRUM. Explain why this is a good idea. (Note that Part 2 of this assignment is an example of one of these and you can include it here if you wish) (3 marks). The report should not be more than 1500 words. You will not be penalised for going over the limit but it may indicate you have too much detail or your writing is not precise. Feel free to use the above items as major headings in your report/essay, a bit more concise of course. You should add a brief Executive Summary and a brief Conclusion (1 mark).

Part 2 – Automatic document generation (6 marks)

Attached is a C# program where you should replace the current comments with the C# XML comments. Your XML comments should contain at least examples of each of the following tags: <summary> and <remarks> (2 marks) <param> and <returns> (2 marks) <code> (1 mark) <see> (1 mark) Note that your code does not have to compile but you could implement it in Visual Studio to iron out problems. In other words, if you wish to avoid using Visual studio you can but you will need to be careful to code syntax correct enough for the marker. Minor syntax errors will not be penalised.

namespace Ass2
  // This program is for CMP73010 Assignment 2 (2017)
  // It calls some functions that need commenting
  class Program
    // Mainline function
    static void Main(string[] args)
      int num1 = ReadNumber();
      int num2 = ReadNumber();
      FormatBinary(num1, "+", num2, Add(num1, num2));
    // Read a single integer
    public static int ReadNumber()
      Console.Write("Number: ");
        return Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
      catch (FormatException)
        Console.WriteLine("illegal number format");
        return 0;
    // Formatted operation output
    public static void FormatBinary(int n1, string op, int n2, int result)
      Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} = {3}", n1, op, n2, result);
    // Add two integers
    public static int Add(int n1, int n2)
      return n1 + n2;

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