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HDC-HCI & GUI-Repeat-Assignment-19124

Assignment :


Course: : HDC
Stage/Year : 1
Module : HCI & GUI
Semester : [Semester II]
Assignment Number : Repeat Assignment
Assignment Submission : Create a .zip archive containing the assignment and cover sheet. Write the .zip file to disk. Deliver to the faculty office on or before the due date.
Assignment Weighting : 100%
Assignment Title : Please state the assignment title / brief. Please specify details such as: Contact Manager Application
Learning Outcomes : Please state the programme and related module learning outcomes that this assignment is assessing 1,2,3,4,5,6
Assessment Criteria :Please state the assessment criteria applied to this assignment, such as: he assessment criteria are based on the quality and thoroughness of the required features. These are detailed in Section 2. These features must be the original work of the student. They must be implemented according to the guidelines and standards discussed in laboratory and class sessions. Additional criteria are the presentation of the work including use of the correct tool versions, commenting and layout of source code, the correct naming of files and citing of sources where relevant. HCI

1.0 Introduction

ContactManager is an application to store contact details for work colleagues or personal friends. A picture to guide the creation of the graphical user interface for the application is shown in Figure 1. From this starting point, develop the ContactManager application. The development tasks to be undertaken are itemised in section 2.0.


2.0 ContactManager Features

Create a user interface for the ContactManager application similar to that shown in Figure 1. (10 marks)
At application startup, the list of contact names should be available in the contact names list view as shown on the left in Figure 1. (10 marks)
When a given name is clicked on in the names list view, the email address as well as the dwelling address of the that person should be shown in their respective text areas. (10 marks)
Add a menu bar to the application with 'File', 'Edit', 'Tools' and 'Help' menus. Extend the application so that it can also support telephone number storage. (10 marks)
Add an 'About' item to the Help menu that shows a dialog box with your student name and number when clicked on. (10 marks)
Add an 'Add Contact' item to the Tools menu that shows a dialog to support the addition of a new contact. (10 marks)
Enhance the display of names in the list view so that it displays names in (ascending) sorted order. (10 marks)
Create a simple icon for the application and add it. Customize the styling and colouring of the application to enhance its appeal to users. (10 marks)
Add a short help file in text format that displays in response to a click on a 'Help Manual' menu item. Add fully working 'Cut', 'Copy', 'Paste' and 'Select All' items to the Edit menu of the application.(20 marks)
(Total 100 marks)

3.0 Assignment Submission

Submit the assignment as a zipped archive written to DVD disk. Write your name, student number, the assignment title and module (HGP) on the disk. Only zipped assignments are acceptable No .rar or any other format will be corrected. Do not send assignments by email.

3.1 Deliverables

1 DVD disk with the completed project including all necessary folders and files. Include all required components, for example the icon and contacts files. Omission of necessary components will result in a reduced mark. Omission of source code will result in a mark of zero. 1 signed and dated assignment submission sheet to be included in the .zip archive. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application is tested and working and that all components are present in the zipped archive.

3.2 Keep a Backup Copy

As the work is submitted on disk, it is very important to keep a backup copy of the assignment. If the files submitted are not readable and you do not have a backup copy, no marks can be awarded.

4.0 Assignment Weighting

This is the repeat assignment for this module. The weighting for this assignment is 100% of the repeat assignment mark.

To Download Click Here > HDC-HCI & GUI Repeat Assignment 19124.pdf
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