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ICT704 Cloud Database Systems NonRelationalDatabaseSystems Task3

University of Sunshine Coast

Assignment :

Assessment and Submission Details

Marks:40% of the Total Assessment for the Course

Submit your assignment in the link under Assessment->Task 3 on Blackboard. The submission link will be open a week before the due date. Please follow the submission instructions provided.
The assignment will be marked out of a total of 50 marks and forms 40% of the total assessment for the course. ALL assignments will be checked for plagiarism by SafeAssign system provided by Blackboard automatically.
There are two parts to this assignment. Part A is the creation of the database in MongoDB and Part B is the report.
Refer to your Course Outline or the Course Web Site for a copy of the “Student Misconduct, Plagiarism and Collusion” guidelines.
Assignment submission extensions will only be made using the official School Guidelines.
Requests for an extension to an assignment MUST be made to the course coordinator prior to the date of submission and requests made on the day of submission or after the submission date will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.


Rate a Restaurant (RaR) is a site which lists new restaurants in that have opened in Brisbane. They have asked you to come up with a database using MongoDB to be able to store the restaurant details to allow viewers to easily search for them.

Some restaurant details

Every restaurant has a unique identifier Every restaurant has at least 1 identified cuisine Restaurants have identified a number of Tags that describe them Each restaurant is rated every 4 months. Details for each rating include date, grade and score Grades are either A, B or C and Scores are out of 5.

Part A - Database

Create a MongoDB database called myRest and a collection called restaurant Insert the two restaurants from the provided table (Appendix A) into MongoDB using the insert command. NOTE the following: restaurantId should be the identifier (_id) Assuming you have more data, create the following queries (all output should be easily read): Return all the documents from the restaurant collection Return all the documents but only display the Name, Cuisine and address. Return all documents from the restaurant collection that have the Cuisine of Burgers, and only display the ID and Name Return a list of all the restaurant names sorted in descending order List only the distinct types of cuisines Return a count of restaurants in the collection Return the average price of the cheapest meal for each cuisine Return the average rating score of each restaurant Return the documents that do not have Fresh as a Tag Update the Joe and Moe's Restaurant detail for the most expensive meal to $41.

Part B - Report

For the report you are required to explain the structure of the database you created. You need to describe how the relationships were handled in the database. In your report, discuss potential alternatives to how the relationships could have been modeled and implemented in MongoDB and the benefits/issues of each.

Specific Instructions

For Part A you are to submit a single plain text file, named
In this file you are to include all the commands for your implementation.
For Part B you are to submit a report in a word document or PDF


The completed assignment is to be submitted to Blackboard by the due date. The assignment will be assessed according to the marking sheet. Late submission will be penalised according to the policy in the course outline. Please note Saturday and Sunday are included in the count of days late.


To Download Click Here > ICT704 Cloud Database Systems NonRelationalDatabaseSystems Task3.pdf
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