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Lab Preparing to Use Oracle SQL

Assignment :


Over the next couple of weeks, you will practice SQL. You are being provided with a database script to create a sample database. To create it you must first save the script file to your UNIX account before you can run the script file. Below is a series of steps for you to follow in order to create the database. This exercise serves as practice for creating the Pet database.


Step I : Download the script file to your local machine

Login to Blackboard and navigate to the SQL folder under Course Content Open this link and save the file “createStudent.sql” to your local machine or flash drive

Step 2 : Install File transfer software if needed

If you are completing this assignment at home you should download an application which will permit you to upload files from your local machine to UNIX. One such application is WinSCP (this is the software application you will use if you are in a CS lab in RTC on the main campus) Using the Internet, google for a free download of WinSCP and download to your home computer If you are using a Mac computer then you should download FileZilla or another file transfer software designed for Macs

Step 3 : Download software to allow you to connect to UNIX

In order to connect to your UNIX account from your Windows machine you need some software which will allow you to connect to UNIX. We will use a program called “putty” to allow us to do this. Using the Internet, Google for a free download of the software called “putty” and download to home computer.

File Transfer

Step 1 : Transfer the script file from your local machine to UNIX

Open the putty software to start the login process to your UNIX account Enter in the IP address and press Open At the “login as” prompt enter your username which is: S+7digit student ID When prompted enter your password which is first 2 letters of first name + first 2 letters of last name +last 4 digits of student id ex.
student name : John Smith
id : 1234567
username : s1234567
password : josm4567


Step 2 : Transfer file from local machine to UNIX account

From the Start button select WinSCP. The screen will be divided into 2 columns, the column on the left is your local machine and the column on the right is the UNIX machine Locate the createStudent.sql file on your local machine and drag to your UNIX account. Below is the screenshot to show you.

Run the script file

In this step you will run the sql script file which will copy the Student database (described in the schema) to your UNIX account. Log in to UNIX using putty (if you are not already there)

To enter the oracle environment type source .oraenv (source .oraenv) type the dot To enter the SQL environment type sqlplus at the prompt When prompted enter your username and password

To Download Click Here > Lab Preparing to Use Oracle SQL.pdf
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